Fabio’s Journey As An Engineer

At Gentium Tech International, we are proud to highlight the inspiring journey of one of our senior engineers, Fabio. With a career spanning over two decades, Fabio exemplifies dedication, continuous learning, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

As many of you know, our services at Gentium Tech International are diverse, with one of our key offerings being Wireless solutions. Fabio has been instrumental in driving success and ensuring client satisfaction in every project he leads. It's only fitting that we share insights from the man behind these achievements. Let’s hear from Fabio himself...

Fabio Lopes

What is your current role, and how did you achieve it? How long have you been working in engineering, and what qualifications or experience helped you progress?

"Today, I run my own company, but my journey began 21 years ago when I moved from Recife to São Paulo to study telecommunications. After six months, I secured an internship at a telecommunications company, which marked the start of my career. I worked as an intern for six months before being hired as a telecommunications technician. After two years, I was promoted to telecommunications analyst, a role I held for four years before moving to Siemens Enterprise for three years. I then took a position at a state bank to be closer to my family, where I stayed for two years, followed by a four-year stint at HPE. During this time, I completed my college education and obtained various training and certifications from leading companies in the Networking sector. Now, I am proud to lead my own company."

What are some common challenges you face in your role? How do you overcome them?

"Today, the main challenge is to meet the ever-increasing demand while delivering quality work to all our customers. Honesty and respect are paramount, and for us, customer satisfaction always comes first. We overcome these challenges by staying committed to these core values."

How do you stay up to date with industry trends? Can you recommend good websites, newsletters, or pages to follow for people starting their career in IT?

"Even though I occupy a leadership position and have a solid customer base, I am always seeking updates, training, certifications, and staying attentive to market trends. I believe that those of us in the technology field must always be in a state of constant growth and learning to provide the best service to our customers. Some great resources for staying updated include TechCrunch, Wired, and newsletters from major tech companies like Cisco and HPE."

What are some basic tips and tricks you've learned over the years to make your job a little easier?

"While I don’t have specific tips or tricks, I can say that anyone choosing this field must always stay updated, pay attention to market trends, and understand their client’s needs. Continuous learning and adaptation are key."

What is the best thing about your job and the biggest challenge?

The best thing about my job is being able to work with different clients, learning new things from them, and making genuine friends wherever we go. Delivering excellent service and seeing our customers happy is incredibly rewarding. The biggest challenge is ensuring we consistently meet these high standards across all projects."

Can you share some words of wisdom for new engineers?

"To anyone starting in the technology field, I would say: Always study, continuously update yourself, and be honest with your clients. The most important thing is to leave a positive legacy wherever you go, ensuring that your clients will always remember you fondly."


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