Staff Augmentation- Switzerland

Project Overview

The Switzerland Staff Augmentation project aimed to swiftly replace the existing team with a new team comprising one senior level 4 CCIE professional, one CCNP Cloud professional, and one level 3 CCNA engineer. The project was driven by time-critical requirements, with a focus on fulfilling the staffing needs within days while ensuring compliance with Switzerland's stringent employment laws.


We successfully shortlisted candidates by leveraging professional networks, conducting over 30 outreach calls. Additionally, we mobilised a CCIE professional based in Spain to Zurich within four days, covering a distance of 926 km, while also conducting extensive interviews to identify candidates proficient in both English and German languages. Moreover, we expedited the registration process with the relevant cantons, facilitated by partnerships, completing it within two weeks. Subsequently, we onboarded the selected candidates within a remarkable 22-day timeframe and promptly replaced the Senior CCNP engineer hired directly by the client, ensuring uninterrupted deployment coverage within 7 days.

Challenges to


The project encountered several significant challenges that required immediate attention and strategic solutions. Firstly, there was an urgent need to replace the existing team within a notably short timeframe, necessitating swift and effective action to ensure minimal disruption to operations. Additionally, navigating Switzerland's intricate employment laws, particularly concerning language requirements, posed a considerable compliance challenge. Ensuring adherence to these regulations was paramount to the success of the project and demanded attention to detail throughout the recruitment process. Moreover, geographical barriers presented a formidable obstacle in mobilising the CCIE professional from Spain to Zurich promptly. Overcoming these barriers demanded careful planning and coordination to facilitate the seamless transition of personnel across borders, underscoring the project team's resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.


Utilising our extensive professional networks, we swiftly identified an interim CCIE solution while simultaneously sourcing additional candidates to meet the project's demands. Following the selection process, we mobilised the CCIE professional to Zurich within a mere four days, quickly arranging registration and transportation to facilitate their prompt integration into the project.

Furthermore, we conducted thorough and comprehensive interviews to ascertain language proficiency among all candidates, ensuring they met the requisite standards for effective communication within the Swiss context. Leveraging strategic partnerships, we expedited the registration process with the relevant cantons, streamlining administrative procedures and minimising delays. With a focus on efficiency and precision, we seamlessly onboarded the selected candidates, promptly replacing any direct-hired staff to maintain uninterrupted service delivery and uphold our commitment to excellence.