Cable Installation Deployment

Project Overview

Location: A university's main 300-acre campus

Infrastructure Size: 48 server racks, communication racks, entrance facility

Campus Population: 16,000 students

The project aimed to address the complex cabling needs of the university's computer laboratory while ensuring scalability and future-proofing. Given the tight timescale and stringent requirements for Category 6 and optical fiber links, a pre-terminated cabling solution emerged as the most viable option.

Our Solution

We delivered a high-quality solution tailored to the university's specifications. Pre-terminated cable links, incorporating Category 6 with low flammability and zero halogen properties for fire protection, were deployed to meet the demanding environment's needs. Additionally, a significant number of OM3 and single-mode fiber links were installed to support high-speed data services.

To optimise connectivity and streamline cable management, each server rack received a 48-way Category 6 copper cable link to the main communications row. Furthermore, strategic connections were established between every third cabinet in each row set and the communications row using OM3 and single-mode cables. Meticulous termination with LC connectors for OM3 and FC connectors for OS1 fiber ensured optimal performance and reliability.

Challenges Faced

The university's computer laboratory faced significant challenges stemming from limited space and high cable density. With a sprawling campus hosting 16,000 students, the infrastructure required meticulous planning and execution to meet the demands of a modern educational institution.

Deployment Details

The implementation process was meticulously planned to overcome various challenges while ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure. Strategic cable placement in underfloor voids or above 3.2 meters preserved critical cooling airflow within the computing environment. Efficient organization of high-density cabling into pre-terminated bundles enabled swift installation within the specified timeframe.

The implemented cabling solution is poised to serve the university's needs for the foreseeable future, with minimal anticipated changes over the next decade. A comprehensive labeling and documentation strategy was integral to the implementation, facilitating organised maintenance and streamlined future modifications.

Results & Future Outlook

The deployment of pre-terminated cabling has significantly enhanced the university's infrastructure, ensuring reliable connectivity and scalability to accommodate future growth. By addressing the challenges of limited space and high cable density, the project has laid the foundation for a robust and efficient computing environment.

Looking ahead, the university can expect continued operational efficiency and minimal disruption, thanks to the thoughtful design and implementation of the cabling solution. As technology evolves, the infrastructure remains poised to adapt and support emerging needs, underscoring its long-term value to the institution's academic and research endeavors.